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Welcome    Rubik's Cubers

All middle school students are invited to join the Yo-Yo and Rubik's Cube Club every Monday during lunch from 11:30 - 11:55. We meet at the tables along the Field House wall outside the Pavilion. Whether you want to attend every week or just occasionally, the choice is yours. Certificates will be awarded to participants during the Club Awards on Tuesday, April 8. Just make sure to sign the club sign-up sheet to be eligible.


Grab your lunch and join us in solving Rubik's cubes. We rely on our student experts to assist with cube-solving, so your expertise is appreciated! For those interested in yo-yos, we'll practice tricks on the spacious grassy area between the Pavilion and the Field House. You're welcome to bring your own cubes and yo-yos or borrow one from Mr. Colby. Please ensure all borrowed items are returned (with yo-yos wound up) at the end of lunch.


Interested in some friendly competition? We'll be hosting a Rubik's Cube contest in the spring. More details on the competition can be found below.

Rubik's Cube   Competition

Rubik's Cube   Competition

**Rubik's Cube Contest Details**


The club awards ceremony is scheduled for Tuesday, April 8.


**Contest Rules:**


1. Participation is voluntary. All Middle School students, excluding previous champions, are eligible to compete.
2. To qualify, students must solve a 3x3 cube in under two minutes. Mr. Colby will oversee and time the qualifying rounds. Students can make multiple qualifying attempts up until the contest date, which will be announced later. The final competition is set for mid March, with the last qualifying attempt allowed at the second club meeting in March.
3. Qualified students will compete directly against each other to solve a 3x3 cube in the shortest time during the contest.
4. Participants can use their own cubes for the final face-off, but they must hand them over to Mr. Colby a day before the competition.
5. Mr. Colby will ensure all cubes are mixed uniformly for the final round.
6. The champion will be awarded the Giant Rubik's Cube shown below.

Rubik's Cube   Videos

The videos below could be helpful when learning to solve different Rubik's cubes. Everybody learns differently, but I will share the method that worked best for me. Allie Gesdorf was very kind to teach me the first few steps. She taught me one step at a time. I learned that step, then practiced it over and over again until I was certain I had it memorized. Only then did I learn the next step. This is the same way I used the instructional videos. You will have many friends to help you during club time, but to truly master any of these solutions you will need to dedicate some time on your own to practice.

Standard 3 by 3 cube solution

2 by 2 cube solution

Tetrahedron (Pyraminx) solution

Other interesting Rubik's cube videos

Three Year Old Solves Rubik's cube

Man solves 3 Rubik's cubes while juggling them

Rubik's cube world records for 2016

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